We believe in the supremacy of Olódùmarè, the one true God known by many names but of one essence.
We believe in Ifa, the witness of destiny who signifies knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
We believe in òrìsà, the powerful emmisaries of Olódùmarè.
We believe in the power of ori, the divinity in us, the God given spiritual guardian, consciousness and destiny who follows us wherever we may go and is the most important spiritual force in our lives.
We believe in the power of egun, our ancestors, the many not one, who died for us so that we may stand here today.
We believe in the power of iwa pele, good character to help bring about the state of ipo rere-the good state of the world.
We believe in the power of ase, the neutral spiritual power of manifestation.
We believe in the power of ebo, sacrifice for as we give so shall we receive.
We believe in atunwa, the cyclical nature of life and death and as we leave this earth so shall we return, thus the need to prepare for our destined homecoming. (Irosun Iwori)
We believe in asuwada, the power of community to support, nurture, grow, protect and prosper. Community is when the many come together as one.
For further reading on Yoruba spiritual tradition, click here.